Thursday, June 7, 2007

Law of Attraction

I first heard about this idea from one of Ellen's shows, in which she invited two guest speakers to introduce the idea of "Law of Attraction".
One of the guests put the audiences into test, asking them how many of them could see the arrow in the FedEx Logo. It was amazing, at least for me, for I wasn't able to see that arrow before. And he went on to explain that people were so used to, or conditioned to look at the world in certain ways, which blocked out a lot of wonderful stuff. But some people are able to get better and richer for the way they look at their lives.
There are some fresh and innovative ideas. I am not sure I buy all of their theories, but I do believe this law teaches us to be more positive, or to be exact, to learn to be master of our own lives. You may want to check out one of their videos on youtube.

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